Back Pain: 3 ways chiropractors can help
Date: August 8, 2023

With the fall season upon us, it’s back to school—and back to work—for a majority of Canadians. With many students and workers sitting for much of the day, back pain might start setting in.
Back pain is a problem that affects millions of Canadians. When your back hurts, many other things suffer too. Simple everyday tasks like getting in and out of a car, putting on a coat, picking up a child, sitting at a desk, or standing for periods of time may become unmanageable. There are many causes of back pain: injuries, heavy lifting, ageing, recreational activities, pregnancy, and the stress of everyday life.
How can chiropractors help?
If you experience back pain that lasts more than a few days, consult a chiropractor for an assessment. Your chiropractor will recommend a course of treatment specific to you. Most people respond well to treatment and get back to their regular activities faster than if they chose to wait it out. Here are three common treatment techniques chiropractors use to help you become pain-free:
- Soft Tissue Therapy: This is where your chiropractor works to relax and treat tight and sore muscles. There are a variety of ways to bring relief to muscles when they are the source of pain, such as manual release therapy (stretching the muscle while applying pressure), trigger point therapy (applying direct pressure on the area of the muscle that is most tense), or instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy (using a tool to apply gentle pressure and sweep over the area).
- Manual Therapy: When a joint isn’t moving as well as it should, your chiropractor may utilize this treatment technique to help regain motion within a joint. This can be accomplished through joint mobilization (slow, gentle stretches of the affected joint) or manipulation (a quick but gentle movement that stretches the joint).
- Exercise Therapy/Self-Management: Your chiropractor will be able to provide simple exercises that you can do at home to help with your pain and to help prevent it from coming back. They will also be able to provide you with safe lifting techniques, tips for good posture, and other strategies you can incorporate into your day to prevent re-injury.
Many people choose to just “tough it out,” but ignoring back pain doesn’t make it go away. It can even make it worse. It’s important to treat not only the symptoms but also the cause. If back pain is affecting your ability to get through the day and keeping you away from your favourite activities, consider chiropractic care.
For more information about what sort of treatment is right for you, please consult with your local chiropractor.
First published Sep 20, 2017
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