Blog Archive
Thoughts on issues affecting the chiropractic practice, patients and profession.
Tips for Safe Swimming This Summer
Date: July 6, 2016
On a hot day, it is very tempting to go for a swim at the beach or in a cool pool, creating fun summer memories with family and friends. Regardless of where you decide to take a dip, it is always best to take precautions and practice safe swimming. It’sRead More
Hydration Tips for Hiking and Outdoor Activities
Date: June 29, 2016
Canada has no shortage of beautiful hiking trails. Hiking is a type of activity that has a number of benefits to your physical and mental health, and is a great way to enjoy the outdoors. That being said, whether you are a beginner or an experienced hiker, you should makeRead More
High- and Low-Impact Activities for Everyone
Date: June 22, 2016
It is no secret that at the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) we often promote the benefits of regular physical activity as a way to stay healthy and happy. In fact, the CCA thinks it’s so important that we’ve created a free app: Straighten Up Canada! The app is currently availableRead More
Stay Strong—Combatting Muscle Loss with Aging
Date: June 15, 2016
There is no doubt that, for many, our fathers have been a symbol of strength. But, the reality remains, that for many fathers aging may take its toll on their musculoskeletal (MSK) system. So, this year, how about treating your father with the gift of health? Talk about the importanceRead More
Running Outside – Getting Started
Date: June 8, 2016
Have you finally moved your running regimen from the treadmill to outside? Summer is a great time of year to enjoy the outdoors through exercise and activity. With just your running shoes you can get out and explore new areas in your city or even better nature trails. Yet, ifRead More
Let’s Talk about Men’s Care
Date: June 1, 2016
Father’s Day is fast approaching, and we felt it was important to highlight not only the importance of men’s physical health but also emotional and psychological health. Last month, we focused on how women can invest time in taking care of themselves and their health. However, this recommendation certainly doesRead More
Want to learn more about your MSK health? Ask a chiropractor
Date: May 25, 2016
Over 11 million Canadians are affected by back pain and other MSK conditions every year.1 The exact cause(s) of back pain or why some people may be at greater risk continue to be hot topics of discussion among researchers and clinicians alike. What we do know is that back painRead More
How Your Thought Process Can Influence Your MSK Health
Date: May 18, 2016
“Fear of pain was more disabling than the pain itself”1 Your body instinctively tries to avoid pain, and it is inherently built to sense it, interpret it, and guard against it. This function is an important protective mechanism that allows us to identify danger or injury and protect ourselves fromRead More
From Head to Toe: How your feet may be affecting your back health
Date: May 11, 2016
When you think about your back pain, do you consider the health of your feet? Maybe not. Your feet serve as the foundation for your entire body as it moves. Dysfunction in your feet can manifest as pain in other areas of your body like your back. Did you knowRead More
Taking Care of Mothers on Mother’s Day
Date: May 4, 2016
In May, we celebrate our mothers and show appreciation for all they do for us. With Mother’s Day fast approaching, it is a good opportunity to reflect on how much mothers typically give of themselves to their family, work, and communities, at times, neglecting their own health and wellbeing toRead More