Straighten Up and Move this Year for World Spine Day!

Date:  October 12, 2016


Straighten Up and Move this Year for World Spine Day!


We spend a lot of time in the same position: sitting. Whether working at your desk, driving in your car, eating at the table or simply watching TV, sitting in the same position for long periods of time may increase your risk of lower back pain and other musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. The key to avoiding this is to stay active and get out of your chair as often as possible.

World Spine Day will take place on October 16, 2016, and this year’s selected theme is “Straighten Up and Move”. The focus will be on the importance of body awareness and activities that promote a healthy spine.

Pain Changes Everything. Chiropractic Care Changes Pain. 

In anticipation of World Spine Day 2016, the Canadian Chiropractic Association launched a new social media campaign entitled Chiropractic Care Changed My Pain. The purpose of this campaign is to showcase different perspectives of those impacted by chiropractic care. By sharing compelling stories of the burden of MSK conditions on Canadians and the effort that chiropractors give to treat their patients, we hope to bring awareness to the importance of MSK health. Visit and read stories of people across Canada—or consider sharing your story of how chiropractic has changed your pain!

Millions of Canadians go through their day enduring back and neck pain, migraines and headaches. Pain is one of the major symptoms related to MSK disorders and it can be difficult to manage because each person feels it differently. In light of World Spine Day, we have launched a new video about how chiropractic care can help to change your pain and get you back to leading a healthy life. We encourage you to watch our video and share it through your social media platform.


Below are some additional resources that you can take advantage of and share to participate in this global initiative. These resources will give you tips on how to protect your back, minimize your pain, as well as prevent injury. Whether at work, at home, or on the go, a healthy back means a happier you.

Straighten Up Canada App
Developed by Canada’s chiropractors, the Straighten Up Canada app is a FREE, easy-to-perform posture program that you can use in just three minutes a day. It’s the only free Canadian app specifically designed and completely dedicated to improving your posture and spinal health.

Available for FREE download from the Apple App StoreGoogle Play, and BlackBerry World!

It can be hard to find time in a busy day to focus on physical activity. Fit-in 15 is an easy and manageable way to start the habit of building 15 minutes of activity into your daily routine. 

Read and share these infographics on chiropractic care and MSK health.

Back Care Tips

Read these tips to use on the go, at play, or at home.

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay connected with the CCA and join us on October 16 for World Spine Day!