An updated vaccination position statement in the best interests of patients

Date:  December 4, 2019


An updated vaccination position statement in the best interests of patients

Happy, smiling mixed-race family

The Canadian Chiropractic Association has updated its long-standing vaccine and immunization position statement in consideration of the best interests of our patients and all Canadians.

This update was developed in an effort to tackle growing vaccine hesitancy and the re-emergence of vaccine-preventable diseases — like measles — in Canada. As primary contact health providers, chiropractors need to support the efforts of partners within the healthcare system working to protect the lives and health of Canadians.

In the updated position statement, we recognize that vaccines are a safe and effective health practice for the prevention of infectious diseases.

As of December 2019, the Canadian Chiropractic Association’s position statement reads:

Vaccination is not within the scope of chiropractic practice in Canada. Notwithstanding, the Canadian Chiropractic Association recognizes that vaccination is a safe and effective public health practice for the prevention of infectious diseases. Members are encouraged to refer all patient questions, consultation and education regarding immunization and vaccinations to the appropriate public health authorities and/or health professional whose scope of practice includes vaccination.

How did we get here?

Earlier in 2019, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Dr. Theresa Tam, contacted the CCA about the re-emergence of vaccine-preventable diseases like measles. As a result, we began conversations with chiropractic leaders, including provincial regulators, and the Public Health Agency of Canada with a view to updating our position statement.

The CCA’s Board of Directors approved the updated statement in September 2019. Since then, Dr. Tam has met with a group of chiropractic leaders to discuss the importance of this public health practice and identify ways to collaborate in the future. We look forward to partnering with Dr. Tam on this and other public health issues.

What’s next?

If you have questions, we encourage you to consult a healthcare professional whose scope includes vaccination and immunization. In addition, the Government of Canada, Immunize Canada and Canadian Paediatric Society provide valuable information.

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